Please read this article 60 Seconds Only, Probably Could Change Your Life 10 YEARS Fore!

Note the author of this book can be a valuable lesson:

"When I was young, I wanted to change the whole world.

Then I realized, how difficult to change the whole world, then I decided to change only my country.

When I realized that I could not change my country, I started trying to change my town.

When I get older, I realize is not easy to change my town.

So I started to change my family.

Now I'm getting very old, I could not change my family.

I realize that the only thing I can change is myself.

I suddenly struck me that if only I could change myself long ago, I could certainly change my family and my city.

In the end I'm going to change my country and I can change the whole world. "

Nothing we could change before we change ourselves. Can not we change ourselves before knowing yourself.


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